
My name is Miss Loya Haughton and I am pursuing a major in Computer Science, with a minor in Management Studies at the University of the West Indies. This website partially fulfills the requirements of my Computing and Society, first year course.

I grew up in Morant Bay, St. Thomas in Jamaica. That was quite an experience!

This was such an experience, that it lead me on my path to become a business analyst after graduation from UWI!

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Education: How did I get to where I am now?

  1. St. Hugh's Preparatory School (1 year)
  2. St. Andrew Preparatory School (4 years)
  3. Immaculate Conception High School (7 years)
  4. University of the West Indies (Are you sensing a trend? Definitely not 7+3 years!)

Have you attended any of these schools? Click the checkbox

St. Hugh's Prep St. Andrew Prep Immaculate Conception High UWI
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